El Patio-上海桔庭餐饮管理有限公司

上海市 餐饮娱乐企业 150-500人



El Patio-上海桔庭餐饮管理有限公司简介

Tucked into the idyllic scenery of Fenyang Lu, lies a beautiful three-story villa that houses one of Shanghai’s premier Spanish restaurants. The restaurant is on the first floor. Although it has been refurbished, the whole place has an old ambiance that is both inviting and comforting. They even have a working fireplace, which is well embraced in the colder months.

El Patio has recruited a young chef from Barcelona to breathe life into traditional Spanish dishes. He works with ingredients like Iberico ham, squid ink, potatoes, and cheese. The portions are generous, so be prepared to share. They also have a nice selection of wine, if you are unfamiliar with Spanish varieties ask the knowledgeable sommelier for some guidance. Pair the wine with their respectable cheese platter; it is served with fresh herbs and honey, jams and crusty homemade bread.

This is a great environment to bring a date as the restaurant is dimly lit and when the weather permits spill out to the stone courtyard. It is is set up with tables and chairs for folks that want to enjoy a balmy autumn or a breezy spring evening. The other floors are reserved for their Bubbles Bar. Once your belly is full stagger up the wooden stair to indulge in some Spanish bubbly and terrace love. El Patio


坐落于汾阳路110号独栋别墅的El Patio西班牙餐厅,浪漫典雅的环境,极致美味的菜品使这栋老洋房洋溢着精彩的西班牙风情。于2011年对外营业的El Patio西班牙精致美食餐厅,以其风格浓郁的精致西班牙菜肴俘获了无数老饕的味蕾,成为沪上美食餐厅中无可争议的佼佼者。
El Patio在西班牙文中是“露台”之意,顾名思义,这栋三层的老洋房里有许多个开敞的露台。餐厅的两个合伙人,来自西班牙的Ferran和Alberto通过精心的改造,赋予了老建筑风格洋溢的西班牙安达卢西亚风情。在喷泉边葱郁的塞维利亚柚子树下,安放着南部风情躺椅,这栋小楼中有许多神奇的角落等待你来发现。在夏日的夜晚或者舒爽的秋日午后,在露台的繁茂树荫下小坐,是绝佳的享受。
El Patio主打风味浓郁的精致西班牙菜式。来自巴斯克的名厨Pol García于2013年初加盟,通过当地能够找到的最佳食材,结合他在世界各地米其林星级餐厅工作中获得的烹饪技术,完美融入到传统的西班牙菜式精华中,并在此基础上不断创新。菜单囊括了西班牙传统菜式中的经典,并通过名厨Pol的激情和最优质的食材赋予重新诠释,前菜和小食菜单中的“风味香辣土豆(Patatas Bravas)”、“精炸鱿鱼仔配黑白双色蛋黄酱(Baby Squid a la Andaluza)” 、“西班牙甜椒配鲜虾陷及海鲜浓汁(Stuffed Red Peppers)”等,主菜中的“文火慢煮猪面颊肉配胡萝卜泥和橘子酱(Low temperature cooked pork cheeks with carrot mash & orange)”、“去骨乳猪配紫薯泥(Boneless suckling pig with purple potato cream)”、“多汁海鲜饭(Juicy seafood rice with all the Spanish flavors)”等,都是美食爱好者们不可错过的经典西班牙菜式。
美食无酒不言欢,作为西班牙文化的重要组成部分,El Patio同样注重为客人带来选择丰富的精品葡萄酒、雪利酒和各式鸡尾酒及烈酒。位于二楼的恒温葡萄酒窖里珍藏了侍酒师从全世界各地精挑细选的100个品种,值得一提的是这里拥有全上海最多种类的西班牙雪利酒,以雪利酒配餐的主题晚宴常在餐厅举办,吸引了众多爱好者的参加。正餐开始之前,在一楼的吧台区域点一杯开胃鸡尾酒,是开启您味蕾的入口。而在这趟美食之旅结束的时候,小酌一款西班牙雪利酒,是感受西班牙美食文化最原汁原味的方式。






  • 联 系 人: Fiona
  • 电 话: 申请职位后才可查看
  • 邮 箱: 申请职位后才可查看
  • 公司网址: http://www.elpatio.com.cn
  • 地 址: 上海市徐汇区汾阳路110号

